As we say goodbye to summer, join us at the Kerryman in River North to connect with Phi Beta Kappa young professionals in the Chicago area. This year's event will feature a panel discussion about how to network. Following the discussion, you will have the opportunity to put what you learned into action by networking with other young alumni.
Don't miss these great conversations and a chance to mingle with other Phi Betes in the area as well as the Chicago Association's Executive Board. Take pride in your Phi Beta Kappa induction and join thousands of other members taking part in similar events across the country with other associations.
Admission price includes heavy hors d'oeuvres. There will be a cash bar.
Admission Prices:
- Recent Initiates (Initiated in the last 2 years): $5
- PBKACA Member: $10
- Nonmember and guests: $15